The Smashing Pumpkinsの今夏のツアーの幕開けとして、6/30(木)にLAのThe Viper Roomでのライブが急遽決定し、現地はちょっとしたお祭り状態。実際チケット250枚はあっという間にソードアウトだったそうで、会場周辺にはチケットを取れなかった人たちも集まっていたそう。このショウのセットリストが今夏のツアーにも大きく影響しそうなだけに、すごく気になる貴重なステージです。
現地在住のヒロミさんがツイッターでレポートを送ってくださったのでそちらも紹介。(詳しいレポートはコチラから。)会場前でドアオープンを待っている際に、サウンドチェックを終え、会場から出て来たビリーに遭遇したヒロミさんが「日本でも待ってるよ!」と告げると「Japan? Huh? What’s Japan?(日本ってなに?)」といつものジョークで答えてくれたそうで、かなりご機嫌な様子が伺えます。また、シンガポール、日本、韓国とフェスに出演するそうで、今夏ツアーはアジア巡業wとなるらしい!メンバーもすごく楽しみにしてるとの談。
1. Astral Planes
2. Ava Adore
3. Hummer
4. As Rome Burns
5. A Song for a Son
6. Bleeding the Orchid
7. Stand Inside Your Love
8. Bullet With Butterfly Wings
9. Widow Wake My Mind
10. Perfect
11. Owata
12. Cherub Rock
13. That’s the Way (My Love Is)
14. United States
15. Love Is the Sweetest Thing [cut short]
7/2:追記 アンコールなしだったという情報を聞いて気になっていたのですが、SPINのネット版に掲載された最速レヴューの記事を読んで納得。記事によると、セットの本編終了間近に、ビリーがウクレレを手にステージにたった際、おしゃべり中の観客が静かになるのを待ちつつ「(ウクレレで前奏を奏でながら)長いことずっとこうしてるけど、中々静かになりそうもないね」と穏やかにいうと、生意気な観客が「ウクレレじゃ対抗できないヨ!」などとヤジを飛ばしたそう。
ビリーはこんなヤジにも余裕の表情だったようですが、その後「Welcome Back, Kotter(1970年代に放映されたアメリカのコメディドラマ/古くさいという意味のつもりでしょうか?)」と再びヤジられ、ガヤガヤとおしゃべりを始めた観客を見ると、彼は演奏を切り上げて「僕はみんなが大好きだけど、でも僕はこのバカバカしいこと耐えるにはあまりにも歳を取りすぎてる」と言って、アンコールに予定されていた”Freak”と “Today” をやらずにステージを去ってしまったそうです。
Billy Corgan debuted his leaner, meaner Smashing Pumpkins on Wednesday night, roaring through a scintillating 80 minutes of songs old and new before ending the set nonplussed, a ukulele in his hand.
A ukulele?
Yes. Near the show’s end, Corgan took up a four-stringer to play a solo acoustic version of “Love Is the Sweetest Thing.” “I’ve waited a long time to play this thing,” he said, strumming the intro while waiting for the chatter from the crowd at West Hollywood’s Viper Room to die down.
“They’re not gonna be quiet, are they,” he said good-naturedly. “The ukulele cannot compete with L.A.” Some wiseguy yelled out “Tiptoe Through the Tulips,” and Corgan took it in stride, joking, “They say never give your asshole uncle tickets, and there he is.”
After somebody else called out “Welcome Back Kotter” and the chatter continued, Corgan cut the song short, saying “I love you all, but I’m too old for this shit.” He departed the stage without playing the planned encore of “Freak” and “Today.”
It was an odd finish to an otherwise exhilarating performance at the 200-capacity Sunset Strip club. The Pumpkins main man largely refrained from engaging the audience in dialogue (except for a mid-set remembrance of the first time he played the Viper Room, and how chatty the crowd was then) and seemed buoyant and energized on the small stage with his smaller band.
Corgan has said in interviews that this four-piece edition of Pumpkins possess more “controlled fire,” and on Wednesday — a warm-up for a 15-date U.S. tour that begins Tuesday in Cleveland — all the pistons were firing.
The frontman and guitarist Jeff Schroeder — who besides Corgan is the only holdover from the Pumpkins’ 20th anniversary tour in 2008 — engaged in dueling pyrotechnics on “Ava Adore” and the new “Song for a Son.” New bassist Nicole Fiorentino’s thick lines stood out in “Ava Adore” and the intro to the metal marvel “United States.” And Jimmy Chamberlin’s replacement on drums, wunderkind Mike Byrne, was nothing short of wild child all evening.
With the likes of Perry Farrell and Matt Sorum watching from the VIP tables, Corgan was mostly smiles and shredding on this night. He wedged the line “Oh, California, look what you’ve done to me” into “Owata”; he seemed to delight in the unholy crunch of “Cherub Rock”; and he put more blood in the opening line of “Bullet With Butterfly Wings” than three vampire movies combined.
The new material — the Pumpkins played three of the four songs on the new EP, “Teargarden by Kaleidyscope Vol. 1: Songs for a Sailor” — fit in seamlessly with the old (although “Song for Son” seems better suited to an acoustic guitar), and at one point, during “Perfect,” the vibe was so feel-good that the crowd joined in with handclaps.
If only a few of them would have covered some select mouths a few minutes later.