
ジンジャー&クリスSmashing Pumpkinsのベーシスト、ジンジャ−・プーリーが自身の妊娠をSP.COMにて発表しました。10月に出産を控え、ジンジャーはひとまず自分だけで音楽活動をしていくようです。(ということは一時バンド離脱?かな)また、昨年行われたパンプキンズの結成20周年ツアーでフルートとキーボードを担当していた彼女の夫・クリスは、今後モリッシー(とマッ・トウォーカー)のバンドでキーボードを担当することになったそう。プーリー夫妻、おめでとうございます。幸せをお祈りします!

4/6/2009 – Ginger and Kris Pooley expecting later this year!
SP.com would like to make a special announcement on behalf of bassist Ginger Pooley, but it might be best to just let her speak for herself:
This year so far seems to be a year of change and growth for the Pumpkins. I am happy for the various roads everyone is taking in order to be fulfilled musically and spiritually. I wish everyone the best. I want to share something wonderful that is happening this year for me also. My husband Kris and I are expecting a baby in October! We are very excited. Until the baby is here I will be on the road working on my own music as Kris plays keyboards for Morrissey (with Matt Walker on drums). The band is very good and it’s an honor to watch them play every night. Well, thanks for letting me share this news with you all. Kris and I feel very blessed. Thanks to Billy too for wanting to share our joy about the newest Pooley. I know you are as excited as we are!
Much love,
Ginger Pooley
SP.com sends their congratulations and best wishes to the Pooleys and we are all looking forward to the birth of their first child. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Pooley!

