
オフィシャルサイトNME.COMの記事によると、Smashing PumpkinsがデビューアルバムGISHのボックスセットをリリースする予定だとのこと。正確な発売日や内容については未定だが、バンドの20周年を記念した画期的なものになるとのこと。今年度末にリリースされる予定のライヴDVDとあわせ楽しみです。

NME News
Smashing Pumpkins ready debut album box set
Smashing Pumpkins
A ‘Gish’ tour is also in the works
* Jun 23, 2008
The Smashing Pumpkins have announced that they will release a box set of their 1991 debut album ‘Gish’ later this year.
In a posting on the band’s website, Billy Corgan and co revealed that the box set’s release will coincide with a ‘Gish’ tour sometime in 2008.
The band did not yet disclose the exact release date or what will be contained in the landmark album box set (“What is to be included on here, no one knows for sure,” they wrote) but it will help mark the band’s 20th anniversary this year.


