あくまでも噂の段階ですがJane’s Addictionのベーシストとして活動していたEric AveryがSmashing Pumpkinsのベーシストとして参加するという情報がコチラのサイトに記載されています。(記事によるとどうも本人談のようですが…。)Eric Avery氏はおそらくビリーとSP1当時からつながりがるのではないかと思うのですが、これが本当に実現されたらより一層大きな話題になること間違いなしですね。(でもひとまずレコーディング要員という可能性もあり?)
(5/30/06) Big Eric Avery news
Read for yourself this excerpt from an email reply Eric was nice enough to send my way:
i am slowly closing in on a finish line with a few songs. should be done in a couple of weeks. i will absolutely keep you abreast of anything i do. ive been distracted by a real job. i noticed they were in your list of bands at your myspace site. it looks like i will be working with the smashing pumpkins.
Nice! Finally some new songs from Eric on the horizon, plus a huge gig joining one of the most popular bands of the past 15 years for their triumphant comeback. The Smashing Pumpkins.
I’ll be sure to post when I get more info to share on either of these fronts.